2025 Melbourne Meccano Exhibition
We will be holding our 29th Annual Exhibition on Saturday, 11 October 2025. Details are available here.
Electrical Equipment Testing (By-Law 5)
Mains connected electrical equipment used at Club functions must comply with safety requirements as provided in Club By-Law 5. Primarily, all mains-powered equipment MUST have a current "test and tag" proof of safety. No tag, no power.
The Club sponsored inspection and testing of members' electrical equipment is conducted on the morning of the Exhibtion. The rooms will be open from 8 am for testing and tagging of items.
Members' display details
The 2025 display form may downloaded by right clicking here. The document is in Microsoft Word format and will require Microsoft Word or similar to open and edit/print. As soon as you have finalised your display, fill in the form and return it by the end of September.
Club Dinner
The Annual Club Dinner will be held on the evening of 11 October 2025. Be sure to include your intentions in the space provided on your form before submitting it.
More Information:
email: John Burke.
email: Graham Jost.