Our fourth AGM was held at the Bri Phil Hall, Elsternwick on
Sunday 10 August 2003 and continued the tradition of
clashing with the Hornby auction.  As a result the number attending was somewhat reduced (I hope that the names of offenders have been noted and that appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken)

AGM Proceedings

Just after 2 pm our President
Mike Maloney called us to order for the fourth Annual General Meeting of the MMC Inc.

President’s Report

Mike’s report appears at right but some words of thanks to Mike should be added.  In particular Mike did an excellent job chairing our meetings throughout the past year.  Things ran very smoothly, everyone got their say and everything was covered.  In particular Mike is very skilful at encouraging members to speak about their models in front of the group and was always able to ensure that
there was plenty of time available for this.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer
Bill Davis presented his Balance Sheet and
Statement for the 2002/2003 financial year.

Election of Office Bearers

The current Secretary and two ordinary Committee members were standing down and the Secretary had received nominations for all positions except one ordinary Committee member.  In accordance with the rules, the President called for nominations from the floor for the unfilled position and Doug Ward bravely stepped forward.  The President declared all Nominees duly elected.  These are:

Mike Maloney
Vice President
John Brand
Graeme Thomson
Bill Davis

Ordinary Committee Members:
Kimball Monger
Doug Ward

Annual Subscriptions

The present membership fees of $15.00 (Victoria) and $10.00 (elsewhere) will be maintained and Family Membership will now be at no extra cost.

Informal Proceedings

External Exhibitions Coordinator
Jack Parsisson has been performing this task with skill and enthusiasm  for some years.  But with Jack moving off the Committee it has been decided
to formalise this position.  Jack agreed to do the job and was appointed before he had a chance to change his mind!

Exhibition Sub-Committee Report

Kimball Monger started by reminding everyone that there are only 61 days to go. Exhibition dates are 11 &12 October (see back page of paper newsletter for details).  Regarding models,
some may say  .“but I’m not an engineer, what can I build?”.  But models do not need to be mechanical – some of the best Meccano models ever produced have been of buildings.  What about a bird or a cat, a bunch of flowers – maybe an elephant!?  There are plenty of colourful parts in Meccano these days for artistic design.  It doesn’t need wheels, and doesn’t have to go round and round.  If you can’t come for the 2 days, what about sharing with someone – eg
one person builds the locomotive and the other the carriages.
Regarding trading, please note that this will be allowed only up to noon on Saturday.  After that there is to be no trading on the site.  Also, please don’t tout for business – stick to the spirit of the rules of the game and make it a happy event for all.

Model entry forms

Jack Parsisson is getting concerned at the slow return of these –
less than 10 so far.  So please send in your forms pronto so that the sub-committee can start thinking about hall layouts etc.

Model Display

Tony Press had more examples of rare and unusual Meccano from days gone by. A constructor car from 1937 based on the M1 Sports Tourer of the period.

Small tins labeled Morphine Syringe used for packaging small spares (nuts & bolts etc.). 
These were left over wartime production at Binns Rd.

Royal Meccano set (to commemorate the coronation of King George V in 1911) in its original attractive tin box with raised embossing on the lid.  It was one of the first sets to have
base and sector plates.

Not to be upstaged,
John Hutchinson produced a No 4 set, also from 1911 with its key-locked gears and pulleys in excellent condition.  A quite uncommon item.

Roger Hall was more up to date with an attractive block setting crane in nicely restored r/g parts from the No 3 manual of the 1950s.

Roger’s other models were a
Ferris Wheel in immaculate yellow/zinc French Meccano (based on a model which appeared on the internet) and a Walker from the Crazy Inventors series – not very steady on his feet though!

Graham Jost showed us yet another ball roller (Tower of Babel) designed by Alan Partridge which featured in CQ.  Graham’s addition was to include a ball-raising device in the centre to
provide continuous operation – rather tricky to get the design of the latter just right according to Graham.

His second item was an
automatic grab designed by Tony Parmee who in turn had modified the grab from a Noel La-Bois crane from 1945.

John Brand brought along a nicely finished (in yellow/zinc)
Tractor and Bottom Dump Truck
which appeared in the No 6 manual of the 1950s.

Peter During had 3 smaller models, all in yellow/zinc which comprised a Meccanograph from the No 4 manual of the period, a box crushing machine and a crank handle operated
windmill from a 1950s No 1 manual – just the thing for young children in a hands-on display.

John Riley showed what can be done with the parts in that box of assorted junk under the bench.  He built the Locomotive and Tender from the mid 1950s No 9 manual using strips rather than flexible plates for the cladding.  To make life easier, John cut 12½" strips to length rather than have to join strips.  It turned out very well, although the mix of colours was unusual – dictated by availability rather than aesthetics!

The largest model on show was
Graham Russsell ’s Showman’s Traction Engine from the 1938 No 10 manual in r/g rather than
the original blue/gold.  Nevertheless it looked splendid
– a fine entry for our Exhibition if Graham can bear to keep it assembled for that long.  As Graham pointed out, several modifications were needed to build the model – one that Graham
has yet to do is to modify the steering so it turns the correct way!

Sandra Hall ’s first model was from the 10 Model set – not sure how to describe it!  Her second from the 50 Model set was an aeroplane but in the colours of the 30 Model set – rather nice.

Mike Maloney has been using Märklin parts again, this time for a giant pontoon crane .  The prototype was built by the German’s during the 2nd World War so perhaps he has some excuse.  Mike has completed only the pontoon and the crane tower and it will be an
impressive model at a 1:80 scale.  The crane jib is to be 1.2 m long so imagine the size of the prototype!
Melbourne Meccano Club Inc.

Annual General Meeting
10 August 2003

We come to the end of the 4th year of the Club’s existence in pretty good shape.
Our bi-monthly meetings have been quite well attended throughout the year – usually
between 30 – 40 members.  Apart from our Exhibition, we have had no special
activities, but the normal format of social interaction, sales and purchases, information
exchange, and display and discussion of models and memorabilia appears to have
been acceptable.  Nevertheless, the committee is always open to suggestions for
improvement or alternatives.

I wish to express my appreciation
to all members of the Committee for their
participation and enthusiasm – we have spent quite some time this year in deliberation
and resolution on the matters of public liability insurance, and on the terms of
reference for the Exhibition Sub-committee.
In particular, I thank Graham Jost for his very competent handling of the Secretary’s

position – his presentation of minutes and committee agenda has assisted our task
greatly.  Bill Fitzgerald’s production efforts on the Club’s Newsletter have created
vast improvements in content and presentation – and in timely distribution to
members.  And Jack Parsisson’s organizing and arrangements of Club exhibits have
created quite a demand for our participation amongst other club organisers.

To these three in particular, I believe the
Club owes a debt of gratitude.  Unfortunately this year each is obliged to stand down from the Committee, but I know that they will continue to contribute to the Club in the coming year.

As the Treasurer’s report will show, the Club is on a sound financial footing – in fact,
we are looking for useful ideas for making effective use of these finances!

Our Exhibition last year was a great success, thanks to a hard-working Sub-committee, and has set a standard to maintain this year.  I urge all members to assist with your participation this year.

Thanks also to the host of our ‘unofficial’ website, Paul Johnstone, who has helped us
become recognized among Meccano enthusiasts in countries throughout the world – if you have access to a computer, then I can recommend a browse form time to time,

especially if you are unable to get to Club meetings.

Finally, thanks to those members who quietly
arrange for the setting up, tidying up of
the Hall for meetings, and provision of refreshments.  Your efforts are appreciated.

Mike Maloney
MMC at Bendigo Model Engineers’ Exhibition

Carol and Jack Parsisson, Roger and Sandra Hall, Mike Maloney and Graham and Mary Jost made our first Club pilgrimage to Bendigo to participate in the 5th Bendigo Model Engineers’ Exhibition at the Kangaroo Flat Leisure Centre on the first weekend in July.  It was a fine weekend in all senses.  Set-up was on Friday evening with no less than 29’ of table space at our disposal.  Saturday saw the beginning of a weekend of interested visitors during the two days.

showed an impressive display of many models from modern sets including the neat crane from the 7080 anniversary set, and dispensed plenty of information as to how to start the hobby and where to get what!

Jack had a nice selection from his large collection of delights in red and green
including a fine cement mixer truck, his marine engine and the NZ portable engine. 

Roger and Sandra brought along several of their current set models, but being there for only a part of Saturday, sorry folks – I omitted to note exactly what – and you also missed my photo opportunity!

Mike showed several of his models, including his Marklin crane, small beam engine, automatic excavator and Meccano/Marklin truck.

Graham showed his MM braider, new ball roller and Rocket of yore.  The whole was a most satisfactory and enjoyable experience – I’m sure we’ll be invited back again in two year’s time.

Graham Jost
Labassa Open Day Meccano Show
by Graham Jost

A stalwart five –
Jack, Kimball, Sandra & Roger and Graham – fronted up to the National Trust’s Labassa mansion on a fairly nippy July 27 to put on another
Meccano treat for the fans.  (It should be noted that model railways folk were also there – clockwork and electric inside, and steam outside).  Labassa is not noted for its lightness inside, so things were just a tad glum, illumination-wise.  But we were each provided with a table space of our own in the large drawing (?) room on the ground floor on the left.  These we well filled as per usual, but sadly, we were not allowed to take photographs, though for the life of me I find it difficult to understand when walls are covered with nothing but ancient paint, and ceilings and cornices are so far away that any flash is probably still on its way there.  But a Trust photographer had the necessary dispensation and took the two photographs included in the paper newsletter. The Trust was very pleased with the numbers of folk through though – something of the order of 400+.  This meant that there was always someone or some several to be found in front of each table, so we were kept busy.  All the usual questions – I really must make a note one day of: how many parts?, how many nuts and bolts?, how long did it take to build? and occasionally how much is it worth?  The honest answer to this latter is usually in the unbelievable category – even for the builder! It was a good day, and most likely we will be invited back.  They certainly were pleased to have us, and even provided continuous tea and coffee – and lunch!  It would be nice to see some new exhibitors, though.  How about it, folks – a new face – or two?

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