Exhibitions Page

Here is a guide to photographs of models built by MMC members and shown at exhibitions from 1995 to 2000.
Click on the links:
The late Ken Gordon with some of his models at
the first annual MMC exhibition, Toy Museum 1995
An admiring crowd, World Vision Centre 1999
Patrick Russell-Young demonstrates his loom, World Vision Centre 1998
The fascination of watching the wheels
(and balls) go round! Sandown Steamfest 2000
Toy Museum 1995
Jack Nelson's models: JN

Toy Museum 1997
Trick Track
Pedalling Pete: GJ
Krazy Klock: GJ

Pakenham 1997
Giant Doll Vertical Steam Engine: KG
Ferris Wheel: KG
Giant Beam Engine: KG
Overtype Steam Engine: KG
Twin Reciprocating Steam Engine: KG
Stephenson's Rocket: GJ
Signals and signal box: JO; Loco: GJ

Toy Museum 1998

Graham Jost's models: GJ
Four wheel drive motor chassis: GJ
Locomotion: GJ
Wheels and carousel by night

Overhead view of assortment

World Vision Centre 1998
Loom, with builder: PR
Locomotion, Rocket (with passengers): GJ
John Brand guards model assortment

World Vision Centre 1999
Showman engine, Rocket and Chattering teeth: GJ
Titanic, Howitzer,Limber&Tractor SML37: PJ; Rock band after Nigel Pope, Tank: GJ
Kangaroos: TP
Flyboats: JP
Giant Dragline:LC;Articulated tipping lorry 9.5: PJ
Climbing monkey with builder (trainer?): LC, hammerhead crane

Sandown Steamfest March 2000
Ballroller: GJ
Eiffel Tower close-up, with builder : DD
Eiffel Tower complete, with builder: DD
Jack Parsisson's models, with builder: JP

Meeting #85, 10th June 2000 hi-res digital photos:TP
Assorted French outfits - presentation by RH
Assorted small vehicles
Stiff Leg Derrick SML6: KM
Vintage Speedway Racing Outfit: KM
Marine Engine: PJ

Constructor and presenters' abbreviations:
JB: John Brand
LC=Lindsay Carroll
DD=Dave Denner
KG=Ken Gordon
RH=Roger Hall
PJ=Paul Johnstone
GW=Graeme Jost
KM=Kimball Monger
JN=Jack Nelson
JO=Jim Osbourne
JP=Jack Parsisson
TP=Tony Press
PR=Patrick Russell-Young
Please email the webmaster to correct any errors, incorrect or absent attributions etc and/or to submit photos from exhibitions
(in JPEG or digital format please):
Paul Johnstone
Ken demonstrates a model, Toy Museum 1995